
Raid Log
03/10 12:44
03/10 12:41
03/10 12:32
03/10 06:13
03/10 06:11
03/10 05:40
03/10 05:40
03/10 05:21
03/10 05:18
03/10 05:09
03/10 02:06
03/10 02:05
03/10 02:03
03/10 02:03
03/10 02:03

Retroera has been launched!

If you are caught breaking any of these rules, a gamemaster may temporarily banish you. We will then assess the banishment using recorded evidence from the gamemaster. You are free to make an appeal ticket via discord #help channel. If your appeal is successful, you will be unbanished and can resume playing.
Every scenario is different and we will assess each one individually, and we will give out a punishment if necessary which could consist of a warning, termed banishment or deletion.
Every scenario is different and we will assess each one individually, and we will give out a punishment if necessary which could consist of a warning, termed banishment or deletion.
Offensive Names
Names that are insulting, racist, sexually related, drug-related, harassing or generally objectionable.Invaild Name Format
Names that contain parts of sentences (except for guild names), badly formatted words or nonsensical combinations of letters.Name Containing Forbidden Advertising
Names that advertise brands, products or services of third parties, content which is not related to the game or trades for real money.Unsuitable Name
Names that generally do not fit into our fantasy setting.Name Supporting Rule Violation
Names that support, incite, announce or imply a violation of the our rules.Offensive Statements
Insulting, racist, sexually related, drug-related, harassing or generally objectionable statements.Spamming
Excessively repeating identical or similar statements or using badly formatted or nonsensical text.Advertising
Advertising brands, products or services of third parties, content which is not related to the game or trades for real money.Off Topic Public Statements
Religious or political public statements or other public statements which are not related to the topic of the used channel or board.Violating Language Restriction
Non-English statements in boards and channels where the use of English is explicitly required.Disclosing Personal Data Of Others
Disclosing personal data of other people.Supporting Rule Violation Statements
Statements that support, incite, announce or imply a violation of the these rules.Griefing
Abusing or taking advantage of game mechanics and freedoms in order to deliberately and without justification excessively harass other players within the game, especially in ways which would prevent them from progressing within or playing the game.However, remember that PVP is part of the game, and if you have created an enemy and they are hunting you down, this is not necessarily classed as griefing, and any reports will be assessed independently as every scenario will be different.
Hostile Towards Retroera
Spreading false information or starting propaganda about the server which may cause a reduction of the server's population or harm the server's reputation.Bug Abuse
Exploiting obvious errors of the game or any other part of our services.Using Unoffical Software
Modifying Official Software or Pretending to Cheat Manipulating or modifying the official game client program in a way to gain advantage over other players, abusing the official game client, using additional software to play the game or pretending to cheat to mislead other players on purpose.However, we do allow a macro to be used for training purposes only, to cast spells and eat food. Using a macro for any other action is considered illegal.